The EAUC :  MyCarbon & The EAUC Join Forces With The Woodland CarBon Code To Scale UP Tree-Planting In The Education Sector

In a groundbreaking partnership advocating environmental stewardship, MyCarbon and EAUC (The Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education) have forged an innovative project, aiming to support the education sector in large-scale tree-planting initiatives.

This type of initiative is crucial for institutions aiming to decrease their carbon footprints and to set examples for other institutions leading the way in addressing climate change. Planted trees within these vast new woodlands will absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store this within their biomass, behaving as incredible carbon sinks for decades to come. Such efforts enhance the reputation of institutions, attract environmentally conscious students and contribute to a healthier campus environment.

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About The EAUC

The EAUC is a non-profit, member-based charity with the primary aim of driving sustainability into the heart of their post-16 education member institutions, which comprise a combined budget of approximately £43 billion and are responsible for educating over 4.5 million students that are supported by over half a million staff.

The EAUC got in touch with MyCarbon as they had secured funding for the development of tree-planning guidance for higher and further education institutions, but required a forward-thinking technical partner to support with the project delivery.

The Peer-Review Process

Like any solid scientific document, the guidance has been peer reviewed by a dedicated steering group comprising leading institutions including University of Leeds, University of Chester and the Woodland Carbon Code.

From project initiation to ecological site assessment, financial modelling, stakeholder engagement, and governance structures, every aspect of the The University and College Land for Carbon guidance has been included in the peer review process to ensure maximum impact and efficacy.

This Is The ‘How-To-Guide'

Emphasising the paramount importance of ecological understanding, environmental impact assessment, and community integration, the guidance document sets a new standard for excellence in project execution under the Woodland Carbon Code and Forestry Commission guidelines.

Together, MyCarbon and EAUC are driving sustainability through empowerment and collaboration ensuring that the ‘how-to-guide’ is open-to-all and therefore enabling outstanding woodland creation to be scaled up in the UK.

“This project has brought together universities and colleges that want to take real action on developing their land for woodland creation and creating carbon credits as part of their net-zero plans. The guidance from this project will enable more education institutions to act now and reap the benefits in the future, as well as engaging their students, staff and wider communities in taking action on climate change.”

(Fiona Goodwin, Deputy CEO, EAUC)

Partner with MyCarbon

For anyone looking to navigate the intricacies of net zero and science-based targets, we at MyCarbon are here to guide the way. Connect with us using the form below or by emailing